
Ionic Foot Detox

Enjoy this warm mini foot spa experience that is both relaxing and highly beneficial for your overall health. Ionic foot bath cleansing is a unique form of body purification through the soles of your feet.

An ionic foot detox works by submerging your feet in a combination of warm water, Himalayan salts, and negative ions to gently draw out the positively charged free radicals (toxins) in the body through the bottom of your feet.

Regular foot bath sessions can support a more balanced pH, boost the immune system, promote detoxification of the liver and kidneys and reduce inflammation. Many say they feel energized and have a greater sense of mental clarity following a session.

A normal session lasts 30 minutes. After your treatment, It is very important to drink a lot of water. This can help prevent feeling tired after such a cleansing experience.


  • Purging of heavy metals

  • A more balanced PH

  • Reducing Inflammation

  • Improves sleep

  • Purging Yeast

  • Detoxifies the Liver

  • Enhances the immune system

  • Diminishes neck and back ache

  • Purifies the blood & Lymph

  • Liver, Kidney & Parasite cleansing

  • Increases oxygen in the body

  • Boosts the immune system


Do NOT use the Ionic Foot Bath if any of the Following Apply to You

If you have a pacemaker; if you have had an organ transplant; if you are pregnant or could be pregnant; if you have Epilepsy; if you have open wounds on your feet; if you are currently undergoing any form of radiation or chemotherapy; if you re a hemophiliac or taking blood thinner; if you are a child under 8 years of age (unless under adult supervision).